Estes Family Resource Center
The Estes Family Resource Center (EFRC) supports Estes families and addresses the needs of our student population by providing free and confidential support through a food pantry, clothing closet, parenting classes, holiday assistance, and other programs and services. It is a partnership between Estes staff and parents, local organizations, businesses, and Children First/Communities in Schools of Buncombe County.
All Estes students and families can have a relationship with and benefit from the EFRC, whether they have an immediate or future need for EFRC assistance, participate in EFRC programs, have items or resources to contribute or serve as EFRC volunteers.
El centro de recursos familiar ESTES (EFRC) apoya las familias de Estes y direcciona las necesidades de nuestros estudiantes proveyendo apoyo y confidencialidad alimentos y ropa, clases con los padres, ayuda para la navidad y otros programas y sevicios gratis El EFRC es una asociaciĂłn entre el personal, padres de familia, empresas y organizaciones locales, Children First / Communities In Schools del Condado de Buncombe.
Todos los estudiantes y familias de Estes pueden tener una relaciĂłn con el centro y beneficiarse de EFRC, Ya sea de inmediato o en el futuro. La asistencia de programas EFRCs, tiene recursos que contribuyen al servicio EFRC voluntarios.
Location and Hours / LUGAR Y HORARIO
Wednesdays/MIERCOLES* 8:30 -10:00 AM**
The EFRC operates from a building beside the Estes bus parking lot (street access from Pinchot Drive).**
*Other times by appointment by contacting Lina Davis, Student Support Specialist, at or by calling 828-785-0518 or 828-654-1795.
El EFRC opera en el edificio al lado de e Estes en el parqueadero de buses (acceso desde la calle Pinchot Drive).**
* En otro horario seria por cita contactando a la senora Lina Davis, Especialista de Apoyo al Estudiate, o llamando al 828-785-0518 o al 828-654-1795.
Thank you!/GRACIAS!
Non-perishable food items / Alimentos no perecederos
New and used children’s clothing, clean and in good condition, as well as new socks and underwear / Ropa nino/nina
School supplies / Utiles escolares Donations may be brought to the EFRC during open hours or to the Estes front office. Donaciones de alimentos, ropa y Ăştiles deben ser traĂdos a la oficina de EFRC durante el horario de arriba o a la oficina de Estes.
Donations are sorted and organized by volunteers on the first Tuesday and third Thursday of each month. Please join us any time you are available!
Las donaciones son organizadas por voluntaries los primeros Martes y tercer Juves de cada mes. Por favor unase a nosotros en cualquier momento que tenga libre!
The EFRC building will be closed for volunteers and visitors, but will continue to be available for Curbside Pickup.