Student Handbook
Basic Information
Annual Public Notices including Family Educational Rights and Privacy (FERPA)
Car Riders Identification Program - Dismissal
Contact Information - Change/Add
Contact Manager/School Messenger - Receive BCS Notifications
Early Dismissal/Doctor's Appt.
The Buncombe County Board of Education and William W. Estes Elementary School staff believes that regular school attendance is of the utmost importance to the educational achievement of each student. This belief is reflected in the Board of Education policy on attendance.The Buncombe County Board of Education (“Board”) believes that regular school attendance is of crucial importance for educational achievement, that learning experiences that occur in the classroom are essential components of its learning process, that time lost from class tends to be irretrievable in terms of opportunity for instructional interaction, and, therefore, that each student should attend school every day. The State of North Carolina requires that every child in the State between the ages of seven (7) (or younger if enrolled) and sixteen (16) attend school. Further, the Board affirms that the primary responsibility for regular attendance resides with the parents/guardians and the individual student. Students are expected to arrive on time and remain in school the full day. Tardies and early dismissals cause students to miss important information and are strongly discouraged.
The Board of Education policy on attendance states: When a student must miss school, the parent or legal guardian must supply documentation regarding the reason for the absence to the school upon the student’s return to school. Absences are listed as unexcused until documentation is received. Documentation will not be accepted after thirty (30) days without prior approval from a school administrator or the attendance team. Doctors' notes may be required for multiple health related absences or a history of absences.
You may view a copy of the Buncombe County Schools Elementary School Attendance Policy by clicking the Policy Link - Attendance Policy - See Sections 4400 and 4400R
Please make every attempt to schedule vacations, medical appointments, and other activities during non-school times.
Students must attend school one-half of the school day (3 hours, 15 minutes) in order to be counted present for the entire day.